Chinese translation for "surface of wound"
- 创面
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Effects of fibroblast growth factor on embroygenesis surface of wound healing 成纤维细胞生长因子在胚胎发育和创面愈合中的作用 | | 2. | Arrows represent wind flow directions at an altitude of about 750 m , white contour lines show the sea - level pressure and 3 - dimensional blue colored objects depicts a constant value surface of wind speed 图中箭咀表示在离地面750米高的风向,白色等值线代表海平面气压,而立体蓝色部份表示风速的等值面。 | | 3. | Every group has 8 hind limbs of 4 dogs . the wounds were rinsed 6h after shooting . jetting flow was 30 ~ 45 ? to inside surface of wound tract and l ~ 2cm above in cim and rb Cim组、 rb组冲洗时喷嘴与伤道入口表面距离为1 2cm ,冲洗时射流与伤道内侧面成30 45角,由上而下依次冲洗, cim组冲洗压力为0 . 35 0 . 56kg / cm ~ 2 , rb组冲洗压力由操作者单手挤压皮球产生。 | | 4. | Compared with traditional wound dressing , no inflammations were found . after two weeks , the wound covered with collagen dressing had healed fully . the surface of wound was uniform and no towers were found in surroundings 在使用两周后,应用胶原蛋白基敷料的伤口已经愈合,伤口表面浅平,四周无硬组织突起,而使用常规敷料的伤口仍结有硬痴,且表面凹凸不平。 |
- Similar Words:
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